Latest News from Noroff
The former Noroff student works as an animator at Framestore in London. - I never thought I would be one of those people who would breathe life into characters like Rocket and Groot.
- In the course of the program, you go through the basics very carefully before you really start working with the technology that is highly sought after by employers.
- It's very motivating to work on assignments that you know are applicable in the professional world.
NHO's Competence Barometer 2022 shows that 1 out of 2 companies require employees with vocational education.
The UX student wrote a lengthy post on LinkedIn with the goal of getting noticed and hired; six agencies reached out. Now, he's well into his internship at Reodor Studios. - Ever since I accepted the program, I've had clear goals for where I want to end up, he says.
Marte is pursuing digital marketing studies online: - Having spent several years in the healthcare sector, I felt a strong desire to explore new opportunities.
Ida Karoline is studying video marketing online from Aarhus: - As someone who is both ambitious and adventurous, I find it fantastic to have an education in a profession where there are many remote job opportunities.
– Becoming an artist has always been a dream, and when I faced the choice of where I wanted to study, I was pretty sure that Noroff was the right choice.
Former Noroff student Einar has participated in the making of Troll, "Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power", "Avengers: Endgame" and "Avatar: The Way of Water.
- I wanted to explore the possibilities of using drones in search and rescue as a complementary tool to helicopters, says the 39-year-old.
Simon Nilsen (25) won the award for the best short film at the New York City International Films Infest Festival in October. He produced the winning film, "Havets sang" (Song of the Sea), while studying at Noroff.
Ole (39) has chosen to study two interconnected fields, namely digital marketing and video marketing in social media. Even before completing his studies, he has secured a job as a video journalist at the local newspaper.