Noroff professor Iain Sutherland gave a presentation providing online safety training for children. Here are five tips.
They need to have the risks explained and to be taught how to keep themselves safe online, and what to do if they feel uncomfortable. Prof. Iain Sutherland
The presentation was held at Kristiansand International School.
The Internet presents so much more opportunities than a generation ago: access to entertainment, online learning and communication. However, it is not without a darker side. It is not possible to judge age online, so younger children may find themselves interacting with much older children and from different cultures with different ideas of acceptable behavior.
Children may also be unaware of some of the dangers that they can encounter. Sexual exploitation, cyber bullying and many other problems have been highlighted in the press.
Five tips for child safety on the Internet
- Don't upload inappropriate pictures.
- Never provide your address, current location or phone number.
- On social media sites keep your user settings to private.
- Limit access to people you actually know not hundreds of "friends".
- If worried or troubled; tell someone, talk it over with a parent, teacher or friend.