Wondering what it's like to study front-end development at Noroff? Get the answers here.
30 minutes before your lecture, we have a team huddle and find out how we can improve code from the previous day. We speak about how we can fix issues and find out how our peers handled their solutions. We have a productive discussion about what the best way is forward. After all, there are many solutions out there it is our job to find the most efficient one.
Once we are done with our retrospective, we go into our lecture. We build on what we have learned from the previous days. Lectures generally last for 30 minutes to an hour, all depending on the content for the day. Since our course is practical and technical, we place a lot of emphasis on our practical’s.
Front-End is ever transforming and at Noroff we keep up with the latest trends rest assured you will be taught the latest trends in the Front-end industry. Once we have the theory out of the way you will be given a daily coding task or better known as practical's. These practical's vary from, creating a static website to building a fully functional react.js web application. The core focus of our course is writing code. You will be given an ample amount of time to create something which is tangible and can be used on your portfolio as you progress. But rest assured you will not go a day without you completing a practical. We learn by doing!
You are never alone at Noroff if there are concepts that you find challenging, we set up guidance sessions. These sessions are a more relaxed session where you can have 1 on 1 guidance with your lecturer. This is where you speak about challenges and together with your lecturer, you find solutions to those challenging coding tasks. Your lecturers are hands-on!
Easter Eggs
Sometimes at Noroff, your lecturer will decide that it is time for a hackathon. In the past, we have built everything from a media library to a Netflix clone. Yes, a Netflix clone! You can read more about these hackathons here. We collaborate with the different disciplines across our campus. Since front-end is so diverse we can incorporate Graphic Design, Digital Marketing and User Experience into our course.
We aim to mimic a working environment at Noroff, the only difference is that we are in a digital playground, where it is safe to break our code. We believe that you need to break code to learn how it works!
The next startup for front-end Development is January 12, 2021.