Research at Noroff University College

Our research activities have an applied and interdisciplinary focus in strategic areas related to technology and digital media. This work is detailed in our Scientific Publications.

Research Groups


Computing Research Staff

Reinhardt Botha
Fabricio Bortoluzzi
Emlyn Butterfield
Pieter M. J Delport
Fredrik Johansen
Bertram Haskins
Barry Irwin
Seifedine Kadry
Isah A. Lawal
Johan Van Niekerk
Livinus Obiora Nweke
Shahnilla Rahim
Rayne Reid
Veronica Schmitt
Gerhard Steyn
Iain Sutherland
Nelson Uto
Sahar Yassine

Interactive Media Research Staff

Beatrice Losco
Paul Bettinson
Erik Geslin
Joshua Griffin
Erik Hammer
Hoda Salman
Filipe Josè Ferreira Pais


Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding research activities or wish to explore collaboration opportunities, please contact the Head of Research at: Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den.
